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Laser Tattoo Removal

Our new laser machine gives instant and amazing results... We can remove any SPMU (semi perm make up) such as a set of brows, botched lip liner and/or Tattoos on the body. 

The laser works by zapping into the top layers of the skin and blasting the ink/pigment into smaller particles that your body will then attack with your white blood cells and break down in your blood stream, urination and/or sweat.

The treatment time is super fast literally seconds or minutes but the healing process after which is 6-8 weeks depending on age and how you heal is the most important as that is when your body  gets rid of the old pigment/ink.

We recommend to have sessions every 6 weeks and on average a dark tattoo or pigment takes 5/6 sessions. 

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We have Training available for Laser Tattoo Removal

For more information head over to our training courses page

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